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Twitter and The Art of Seduction
Se-duce: transitive verb: Late Latin seducere, from Latin, to lead away, from se- apart + ducere to lead
The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it
~Oscar Wilde
Have you ever stayed awake at night wondering why you spend so much time twittering?
Have you ever vowed to tweet less, only to jump out of bed the next morning and check your replies, direct messages and…admit it…your follow count?
When you realize how much time you’ve procrastinated, you promise to tweet less. You withhold your tweets for a few hours…a day…maybe even a week.
But then it happens: the next morning, you yield to temptation and you’re back on Twitter again.
What’s going on here?
The answer? Seduction.
Twitter enacts the phases of seduction as outlined in Robert Greene’s book, The Art of Seduction. As Greene points out, we're seduced in four phases.
Here’s my take on how Twitter seduces us:
- Phase One: Separation: Stirring Interest and Desire
- Phase Two: Lead Astray—Creating Pleasure and Confusion
- Phase Three: The Precipice—Deepening the Effect Through Extreme Measures
In this phase, you’ve already gone through your nocturnal deliberations….and yet you continue to return. This time you do more than just click through: you subscribe to the newsletters, you give out your email address, and maybe…your Twitter password. But the curiosity consumes you…”What if I don’t do this?”
- Phase Four: Moving In For The Kill
This phase of seduction occurs while you are away from Twitter. It refers to the actions you take away from the computer. Maybe you buy a book on internet marketing or copywritng. Maybe you sign up for a local class on blogging. Or maybe you yield to the coup de grace of Twitter seduction: You attend the Tweetup.
And as you stand there, drink in hand, mingling with new faces at your next Tweetup , it dawns on you: You’re been seduced by Twitter.
Let the games begin.